Scoop (Bob the Builder)
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- Agnes (Cocomelon) Despicable Me
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- Alazif (Sleepy Princess)
- Albertosaurus (Primeval: New World)
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- Alex (Planet Nutshell)
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- Armhold Musclehugger
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- Arthur Spudinski
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- Baby (Lalafun)
- Baby Blue Bird (Elsagate)
- Baby Fossa
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- Baby Monkey (Pink Panther and Pals)
- Baby Mr. Krabs
- Baby Panda (Cocomelon)
- Baby Puss
- Baby Spider (Kids TV)
- Baby Spongebob
- Baby T
- Backpack Giraffe School (Cocomelon)
- Backpack Tiger Glasses School (Cocomelon)
- Bad Bill
- Bagheera (Soyuzmutfilm)
- Baguette (Brawl of the Objects)
- Baloo (Soyuzmutfilm)
- Balto
- Bambi the Deer
- Bamm-Bamm Rubble
- Banboxdsd (Cocomelon)
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- Barney Rubble
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- Barry B. Benson
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- Baseball Gila Monster (Cocomelon)
- Baskerville
- Basketball (Cocomelon)
- BattersbyMcCoggins
- Beanstalk Jack (Regal Academy)
- Bear (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)
- Bear (Lalafun)
- Bear Queen (Ni Hao, Kai-Lan)
- Beaver construction workers
- Daggett Beaver
- Norbert Beaver
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- Beethoven the Giraffe
- Befsb (Lalafun)
- Bella (Jugnu Kids)
- Ben the Ant
- Bendy
- Bendy's City Boys
- Benny the Ball
- Benvolio
- Berlioz (Cocomelon)
- Bernie Barges
- Beshte
- Bian Zao
- Bibo the Armadillo
- Big Billy
- Big D
- Big Mr. I
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- Biggie (Animals United)
- Bigweld
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- Billy (Animals United)
- Billy (Billy and Mandy)
- Billy Dog
- Billy Oilchanger
- Bindssewsx (Cocomelon)
- Bing Bong
- Bingo (Puppy Dog Pals)
- Bitzer
- Black Dochi Cocomelon
- Black Feather
- Black Hole the One Night at Flumpty's Boy 2006
- Kurt Blobberts
- Blue Boba bear (Cocomelon)
- Blue Hen
- Blue Hippo (Lalafun)
- Blue Jinjo
- Blueisdfvf Elephant (Cocomelon)
- Bluejay5678
- Bluster Kong
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- Bobby Llama
- Bobo (Jugnu Kids)
- Bobo elephant (Cocomelon)
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- Bonaire (WessieBoi99)
- Bongo the Bear
- Bonkers D. Bobcat
- Boober Fraggle
- Booker
- Bootleg Lloyd Garmadon
- Boris (Gadget Boy)
- Borther (Lalafun)
- Boss
- Boss Brickle
- Bossy Bear (Sango Mini Brans)
- Bottles
- Bowser Jr.
- Boy (Cocomelon)
- Boy in a Bubble (MuggieGStudio)
- Br'er Fox
- Br'er Rabbit (The Adventures of Br'er Rabbit)
- Bradley (Skunk)
- Bradley Uppercrust III
- Brain