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Baseball (Cocomelon) -
Cece (Cocomelon) -
Orange Tiger (BabyTiger) -
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Porcupine (Bambi II) -
Max (The Grinch) -
Chowder (Monster House) -
Foghorn Leghorn
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- A My Little Looney Tune
- A werewolf pup playing
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- Alex Porter
- Alex The Lion
- Alex, Ben, and Tim (Super Simple Songs)
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- Allakko (Cocomelon)
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- Augustin Madrigal
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- Baby Coby (Cocomelon)
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- Badgeofr (Cocomelon)
- Badgeotr (Cocomelon)
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- Bagheera and Baloo
- Bagheera La
- Bagheera the Lion (Cocomelon)
- Baguette (Brawl of the Objects)
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- Baloo the Elephant (Cocomelon)
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- Baseball Charlie the Anteater
- Baseball Gila Monster (Cocomelon)
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- Batman Nina (Cocomelon)
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- Bear (Franklin)
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- Biggie (trolls)
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- Bigweed and Lil Seaweed
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- Billy lime fish
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- Bingo (Pound Puppies)
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- Blue Cece (Cocomelon)
- Blue Cody (Cocomelon)
- Blue JJ (Cocomelon)
- Blue June (Little Einsteins)
- Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible
- Bob the Builder (character)
- Boba (Cocomelon)
- Bobby (angry birds)
- Bobby Bodingo
- Bobby Lion
- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
- Bodi (Rock Dog)
- Bolt